Some personal thoughts and experiences that led to start building The New Constructivist project last year along with the audio show to launch May 1, 2018.
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Some personal thoughts and experiences that led to start building The New Constructivist project last year along with the audio show to launch May 1, 2018.
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By bene • February 10, 2018
Though the economy is ever-present in news and politics, we rarely examine its fundamentals – and never with nuance. In this collection of essays published over 40 years ago, Schumacher shines a light on our systems, remarkably similar then, questioning the mythologies we’ve adopted and offering alternative approaches.
Continue ReadingBy bene • November 29, 2017
I came to The Conference in Malmö, Sweden as a user experience designer in transition and found it not just inspiring but profound and moving, even tearing up a few times. This past year I’ve been following a a few vague, disparate leads looking for a more holistic vision of design which amazingly materialized at this one gathering. It felt like thee new new and the most interesting potential future to be a part of.
Continue ReadingBy bene • August 27, 2016
If anything is a big influence on me, it’s David Lynch. He’s really into presenting something but not explaining it. It’s just ‘This is an image, this is an idea, isn’t it cool?’ — Black Francis
Art is a strange place for a teen, which is often the point. There is the budding inclination to look for *something else*. You can get stuck in the infinite searching trap, looking for what’s next or what’s weird, and gradually congeal into the much-maligned hipster. Or you can follow the promise of art and find something that speaks to you – or shows you something you need to see.
Continue ReadingBy bene • October 24, 2014
Stephen Colbert introduced an innovative creative approach to testimony in a house committee on immigration.
Continue ReadingBy bene • September 26, 2010
design (and other works) by colombene gorton
By bene • October 12, 2020